Development Of The Serious Eye Condition Glaucoma Associated With Topamax Use

Glaucoma is a group of eye condition wherein the optic nerve which is responsible for our vision is damaged because of the increase in the internal eye pressure that may lead to loss of sight if not given immediate attention. This can be due to several factors including serious medication side effects from Topamax. Open-angle glaucoma, chronic glaucoma, closed-angle glaucoma, congenital glaucoma and angle closure glaucoma are the four major types under this group of disorder(s). As per the World Health Organization website, it has been reported that glaucoma accounts for the second most prevalent cause of global blindness.

Will I Have Glaucoma?


A lot of factors can be considered as a developing factor for glaucoma and that includes genetics. Fifty percent of patients with open-angle glaucoma, the most common type, have had a family history of it. Nevertheless, we cannot pinpoint genetics as a definite cause of glaucoma. Poor digestion and nutritional deficiencies can be one of the causes of glaucoma. It has been discovered that those who have glaucoma have some nutritional deficiencies from essential fatty acids, lutein, zeaxanthin, taurine, antioxidants, bioflavenoids, zinc, selenium, and vitamin B-complex. People who have migraine and/or seizures and took Topamax had symptoms of glaucoma. The sufferers usually feel disturbances in the eyes during their first month of drug therapy and it is believed to be caused by the increase in IOP (intraocular pressure) – the internal pressure in the eye.

How Does Topamax Affect its Users?

Topamax, with the generic name of Topiramate, has been linked to the development of glaucoma among its users. The eye condition is typically treated by rapid discontinuation of the drug although it is advised that you seek doctor’s supervision. It was found out the there are other serious eye conditions brought about by Topamax other than glaucoma such as sudden decrease in vision with or without eye pain, blockage of the eye fluid which might lead to increased intraocular pressure and, acute myopia which is normally known as short-sightedness. The mentioned eye problems can lead to blindness if not treated accordingly. Most common complaints on the drug are diarrhea, anxiety, memory loss, speech and language difficulties, decreased sweating, and increase in body temperature. It is advised that you check with your doctor before taking medications especially over the counter drugs. It is advisable to always consult your doctor before deciding to take any medications especially OTC’s.

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About Author:

Epilepsy drug, Topamax, receives scrutiny after studies show it causes serious side effects among pregnant women and their newborns. Read more updates and news here.Author: Blake William

Get A Whole New Smile With Dentures In Temecula

byAlma Abell

Whether you lost teeth in accidents or had them removed in a dentist’s office, the result rarely looks good. It can leave a gaping hole in your smile that makes you hesitant to talk to people or to try to be friendly. It can make you self-conscious in general. Depending on the particular teeth you have lost, you may even find that it is difficult to do things like eat and speak. If you want a chance to start over with a new set of teeth, and you need a relatively inexpensive option, you should explore the idea of getting dentures Temecula.


These are a much cheaper way to go than the alternative methods of replacing teeth. They can be easily removed, which means that they don’t rely on having parts implanted that can be used to bolt an artificial tooth into position. This lack of a need for oral surgery makes it both a lot safer to do and a lot less expensive. This safety difference can be significant for some people, since those who may have issues with surgical work can still benefit from dentures without having to have anyone cut into their gums.

They can give you a temporary set, even very shortly after the teeth have been removed. These are specifically designed to be worn during those months when the gums may be raw and sore, and can’t take a lot of pressure. Patients can keep them in place using adhesives as the shape of the gum changes during healing, and then switch to a more permanent set after things have become stable and there has been time for that set to be made. With modern technologies, you can get a very good fit that doesn’t require a lot of fussing, and it is also possible to get metal dentures that are supported by the remaining teeth if you still have some.

Deciding whether to get dentures Temecula is a very personal decision and depends on both your comfort level with changes in your appearance and your ability to financially explore a variety of options. If you’re uncertain of how well getting dentures in Temecula is likely to work out for you, it is something that you should discuss with a dentist to get a viewpoint that is specific to your situation.

To know more information, Visit Dr. Parul Mehta & Associates clinic.

Never, Ever Release Any Of Your Rights To Anyone

Don’t do it!

Never, ever release any of your rights. Here’s why.

The Writer’s Goal

Winning the writing game means becoming an establishedauthor, one who sells a new book every year or two. One whoearns enough to live comfortably from his or her writing alone.

The first step toward achieving this goal is to be publishedby a major house in the real world. That is, offline. Most willnot even consider your book if you’ve muddied the water byreleasing or selling any rights to it.

Sure, there are exceptions. Some have self-published, thenlater made a deal with a major house. And the stories make grandreading. But there are not a lot of them.

The Better Plan

If you are serious about writing, grab a copy of “Writer’sMarket,” then read and follow the rules. While many publishersbuy an occasional manuscript directly from an author, your bestbet is to find an agent and leave the manner of presentation topublishers in capable hands. (An agent is worth his or herweight in gold in helping you decipher a contract!)

It will probably take some time to find an agent. Beginanother tale while doing so. And once you find one, whilewaiting further and hoping for great news, continue writing. Ifthe agent you found can’t make it happen, look for another. Butkeep writing.

Again, there are success stories of those who bypassedagents and went directly to a publisher. But unless you’re oneheck of a salesperson and really in tune with what eachpublisher is looking for, leave it all to an agent, and do whatyou do best. Namely, write.

How Rights Released Can Bite

Bingo. You’ve made a sale. A good house, too. You and youragent are jumping with joy. Hey, you’re on your way!

But wait one. A few years back, electronic rights werenegotiable, and often retained by the author. So you releasedthese rights, or part of them, to gain some exposure on the Web.But now your publisher-to-be wants them. What for?

Books by major authors are selling in electronic formats.The entire publishing industry is closely tuned in to thisrapidly changing part of the book arena.

Okay, back to the what your publisher-to-be wants. Will theygo through the legal hassles and pay the costs to recover thoserights you handed out? Or will they just grab another title fromthe in-stack? If you were in their position, what would you do?

The bottom line? You have just lost a shot at the big time.You get to start over with a new book. And you’ll probably haveto hunt up another agent as well.

Why Risk it?

Don’t sell or release any of your rights to any of your workuntil absolutely convinced it is not salable to a major printpublisher. Then, and only then, should you consider taking it tothe Web and seeing what you can make happen.

A Case In Point

I finished “They Who Betray” (available on this site) inlate 1991. I gave up trying to sell it in 1994. Even earlier, itwas obvious major houses were no longer interested in this kindof tale. The manuscript has been dozing on various computerdisks ever since.

While I’d love to have sold it to Pocket Book, I wasn’t ableto. So off to the Web I have gone. I’m excited about thepossibilities. While fame and glory is unlikely to be obtained,lots of people will find they like the tale. And that will be awin for me, any way you look at it.

But I would never have made this move had I believed therewas even a chance of selling it to a major house. If you’reserious about your writing career, you’ll follow the same path.Head for the Web as the last resort, never as the startingpoint.

One Exception

All who climb a mountain do not hunger to become a notedmountaineer. And all who write a book, do not yearn to be anestablished author. So if you wrote a book for the fun of it,and now want to share it with family and friends, jump rightinto the Web bit.

Check out services available or self-publish on your own.Either way, go for it.

Play By The Rules

But if you’re serious about writing and dream of becoming anestablished author, take the conservative, conventional route.This gives you the greatest opportunity for success.

Yes, I know. The competition is fierce. But there’s a bit ofthis on the Web as well. The last numbers I saw suggest thereare over 100,000 titles available on the Internet.

To sell effectively through any website, you’ll need a heckof a book. Then you’ll have to somehow find your way beyond allthose “Buy-Me!” pleas associated with each and every one ofthose 100,000+ titles.

Can it be done? Sure. But it’s not easy. Certainly it’s noteasier than gaining the confidence of an agent who can sell yourwork to a major publishing house.

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Sr22 Auto Insurance Made Easy

SR22 Auto Insurance Made Easy



Are you in need of SR22 auto insurance but finding it hard to obtain it without spending an arm and a leg? Some insurance carriers are now offering drivers with drunk driving cases and histories the ability to search and compare competitive SR-22 insurance rates.

This comes at a time when Driving Under the Influence or (DUI / DWI) arrests and alcohol-related convictions are projected to increase sharply this year due in part to recent large-scale job lay-offs, business closures, investment scares, and the overall dismal U.S & global economic mood, as studies from as far back as 2002 have shown.

Many people find it difficult to get their driver’s license back after being arrested or convicted for DUI/ DWI. Finding a suitable insurance company or attorney to file an SR-22 for them poses an even bigger challenge, as not all insurance companies in every state requiring an SR-22 are allowed to do so.


My aim as an DUI insurance agent is to provide individuals the ability to search for car insurance companies within their respective cities or states that can help them file an SR-22 form. This also allows them to search for low cost auto insurance rates, and be able to compare rates from many different companies conveniently and in real-time.

SR-22 is basically a form submitted by an authorized auto insurance carrier, in behalf of a driver or car-owner seeking auto insurance coverage, to the state\’s Department of Motor Vehicles Office and gives proof of that driver\’s financial capability to compensate anyone they may injure as well as properties they may damage in case they cause a car accident. This is also an effective way for the state to monitor drivers with histories of unsatisfactory driving habits and violations.

Some states will also require the use and installation of an Inter Lock device that the driver will have to blow into before the vehicle will start. Not only is this expensive to install, but can be easy compromised by someone else willing to blow into the device.

Drunk driving is still one of the country\’s biggest problems. It is also one of the main reasons for filing an SR-22 certificate. Punishments and fines for this kind of violation remains severe, especially for repeat offenders. Most states also require an SR-22 auto insurance coverage to be maintained for two or three years, some even require individuals to continue maintaining their SR-22 even after moving to another state.

I encourage anyone required to carry this special form of car insurance to begin your search online, and to pick up the phone and talk to the agents once you get your online quote. Many times you can negotiate additional discounts over the phone that you would over look online.

DUI Insurance

is an insurance portal that focuses on addressing the

SR22 insurance

needs of individuals with alcohol related offenses anywhere in the U.S. through affordable rates and policies, and through consumer education.

Article Source:

Saudi Arabia arrests over 100 people suspected of having links to al-Qaeda

Thursday, March 25, 2010

According to the Saudi Arabian interior ministry, over 100 people in the country have been arrested on suspicion of links to the al-Qaeda terrorist group.

A statement, which was read read out over television, was released by the government on Wednesday. It said the arrested people were suspected of plotting attacks on security and oil installations. Members from three total cells were seized — 101 from one large cell, and six apiece from two smaller ones. Cameras, computers, and weapons were also confiscated by officials.

The statement reported that, out of the large cell, 51 members were Yemenis and 47 members Saudis; a Bangladeshi, an Eritrean, and a Somali were the rest of the group. The other cells consisted of eleven Saudis and a Yemeni.

“The network and the two cells were targeting the oil facilities in the Eastern Province and they had plans that were about to be implemented,” said ministry spokesman Mansour al-Turki, adding that the groups had links to an affiliate for al-Qaeda in Yemen.

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Wikinews interviews Duncan Campbell, co-founder of wheelchair rugby

Canada takes on Australia in wheelchair rugby Image: Laura Hale.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Listen to the raw interview

London, England — On Wednesday, Wikinews interviewed Duncan Campbell, one of the creators of wheelchair rugby.

((Laura Hale)) You’re Duncan Campbell, and you’re the founder of…

Duncan Campbell: One of the founders of wheelchair rugby.

((Laura Hale)) And you’re from Canada, eh?

Duncan Campbell: Yes, I’m from Canada, eh! (laughter)

((Laura Hale)) Winnipeg?

Duncan Campbell: Winnipeg, Manitoba.

((Laura Hale)) You cheer for — what’s that NHL team?

Duncan Campbell: I cheer for the Jets!

((Laura Hale)) What sort of Canadian are you?

Duncan Campbell: A Winnipeg Jets fan! (laughter)

((Laura Hale)) I don’t know anything about ice hockey. I’m a Chicago Blackhawks fan.

((Hawkeye7)) Twenty five years ago…

Duncan Campbell: Thirty five years ago!

((Laura Hale)) They said twenty five in the stadium…

Duncan Campbell: I know better.

((Hawkeye7)) So it was 1977.

((Laura Hale)) You look very young.

Duncan Campbell: Thank you. We won’t get into how old I am.

((Hawkeye7)) So how did you invent the sport?

Duncan Campbell: I’ve told this story so many times. It was a bit of a fluke in a way, but there were five of us. We were all quadriplegic, that were involved in sport, and at that time we had the Canadian games for the physically disabled. So we were all involved in sports like table tennis or racing or swimming. All individual sports. And the only team sport that was available at that time was basketball, wheelchair basketball. But as quadriplegics, with hand dysfunction, a bit of arm dysfunction, if we played, we rode the bench. We’d never get into the big games or anything like that. So we were actually going to lift weights one night, and the volunteer who helped us couldn’t make it. So we went down to the gym and we started throwing things around, and we tried a few things, and we had a volleyball. We kind of thought: “Oh! This is not bad. This is a lot of fun.” And we came up with the idea in a night. Within one night.

((Hawkeye7)) So all wheelchair rugby players are quadriplegics?

Duncan Campbell: Yes. All wheelchair rugby players have to have a disability of some kind in all four limbs.

((Laura Hale)) When did the classification system for wheelchair rugby kick in?

Duncan Campbell: It kicked in right away because there was already a classification system in place for wheelchair basketball. We knew basketball had a classification system, and we very consciously wanted to make that all people with disabilities who were quadriplegics got to play. So if you make a classification system where the people with the most disability are worth more on the floor, and you create a system where there are only so many points on the floor, then the people with more disability have to play. And what that does is create strategy. It creates a role.

((Hawkeye7)) Was that copied off wheelchair basketball?

Duncan Campbell: To some degree, yes.

((Laura Hale)) I assume you’re barracking for Canada. Have they had any classification issues? That made you

Duncan Campbell: You know, I’m not going to… I can’t get into that in a major way in that there’s always classification issues. And if you ask someone from basketball, there’s classification issues. If you ask someone from swimming… There’s always classification issues. The classifiers have the worst job in the world, because nobody’s ever satisfied with what they do. But they do the best they can. They’re smart. They know what they’re doing. If the system needs to change, the athletes will, in some way, encourage it to change.

((Laura Hale)) Do you think the countries that have better classifiers… as someone with an Australian perspective they’re really good at classification, and don’t get theirs overturned, whereas the Americans by comparison have had a number of classification challenges coming in to these games that they’ve lost. Do you think that having better classifiers makes a team better able to compete at an international level?

Duncan Campbell: What it does is ensures that you practice the right way. Because you know the exact classifications of your players then you’re going to lineups out there that are appropriate and fit the classification. If your classifications are wrong then you may train for six months with a lineup that becomes invalid when that classification. So you want to have good classifiers, and you want to have good classes.

((Laura Hale)) When you started in 1977, I’ve seen pictures of the early wheelchairs. I assume that you were playing in your day chair?

Duncan Campbell: Yes, all the time. And we had no modifications. And day chairs at that time were folding chairs. They were Earjays or Stainless. That’s all the brands there were. The biggest change in the game has been wheelchairs.

((Laura Hale)) When did you retire?

Duncan Campbell: I never retired. Still play. I play locally. I play in the club level all the time.

((Laura Hale)) When did you get your first rugby wheelchair?

Duncan Campbell: Jesus, that’s hard for me to even think about. A long time ago. I would say maybe twenty years ago.

((Laura Hale)) Were you involved in creating a special chair, as Canadians were pushing the boundaries and creating the sport?

Duncan Campbell: To a degree. I think everybody was. Because you wanted the chair that fit you. Because they are all super designed to an individual. Because it allows you to push better, allows you to turn better. Allows you to use your chair in better ways on the court. Like you’ve noticed that the defensive chairs are lower and longer. That’s because the people that are usually in a defensive chair have a higher disability, which means they have less balance. So they sit lower, which means they can use their arms better, and longer so they can put screens out and set ticks for those high point players who are carrying the ball. It’s very much strategic.

((Hawkeye7)) I’d noticed that in wheelchair basketball the low point player actually gets more court time…

Duncan Campbell: …because that allows the high point player to play. And its the same in this game. Although in this game there’s two ways to go. You can go a high-low lineup, which is potentially two high point players and two very low point players, which is what Australia does right now with Ryley Batt and the new kid Chris Bond. They have two high point players, and two 0.5 point players. It makes a very interesting scenario for, say, the US, who use four mid-point players. In that situation, all four players can carry the ball; in the Australian situation, usually only two of them can carry the ball.

((Laura Hale)) Because we know you are going soon, the all-important question: can Canada beat the Australians tonight?

Duncan Campbell: Of course they are. (laughter)

((Laura Hale)) Because Australians love to gamble, what’s your line on Canada?

Duncan Campbell: It’s not a big line! I’m not putting a big line on it! (laughter) I’d say it’s probably 6–5.

((Hawkeye7)) Is your colour commentary for the Canadian broadcast?

Duncan Campbell: That was for the IPC. I did the GB–US game this morning. I do the Sweden–Australia game tomorrow at two. And then I’m doing the US–France game on the last day.

((Laura Hale)) Are you happy with the level of coverage the Canadians are providing your sport?

Duncan Campbell: No.

((Laura Hale)) Thank you for an honest answer.

Duncan Campbell: Paralympic Sports TV is their own entity. They webcast, but they’re not a Canadian entity. Our Canadian television is doing… can I swear?

((Laura Hale)) Yeah! Go ahead!

Duncan Campbell: No! (laughter) They’re only putting on an hour a day. A highlight package, which to me is…

((Hawkeye7)) It’s better than the US.

Duncan Campbell: Yes, I’ve heard it’s better than the US. At the same time, it’s crap. You have here [in Great Britain], they’ve got it on 18 hours a day, and it’s got good viewership. When are we going to learn in North America that viewership is out there for it? How many times do we have to demonstrate it? We had the Paralympics in Vancouver two years ago, the Winter Paralympics, and we had crappy coverage there. There was an actual outburst demand to put the opening ceremonies on TV because they weren’t going to do it. And they had to do it, because everybody complained. So they did it, but they only did it in BC, in our home province, where they were holding it. The closing ceremonies they broadcast nationally because the demand was so high. But they still haven’t changed their attitudes.

((Laura Hale)) I have one last question: what did it mean for you when they had a Canadian flag bearer who was a wheelchair rugby player?

Duncan Campbell: I recruited that guy. It was fantastic. I recruited him. Found him playing hockey. And that guy has put in so much time and effort into the game. He absolutely deserves it. No better player.

((Laura Hale)) Thank you!

((Hawkeye7)) Thank you! Much appreciated.

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Ideas For Marble Patio Designs


Planning a new patio space in your home is a very exciting time. While in the past patios tended to be rather small and typically square or rectangular in shape, today they are true outdoor living spaces with their own unique designs. A marble patio, or a travertine patio, is a great option for any shape, theme, or style of patio you are considering.

One of the reasons a marble patio is such as good option is that it is a durable, natural product. As many consumers are increasingly aware of green construction and environmentally friendly products, it is worth noting this patio will last a lifetime. You will never have to replace it and, with minimal care, it will keep looking beautiful, natural and inviting throughout decades of use.

Unique Combinations

With a travertine or marble patio there are unique combinations and design opportunities to consider. For instance, you can select a very uniformly colored marble with minimal lines and colored veins throughout the tile. This will provide a cool, classic look which is also great for modern or European styles of designs.

A marble patio featuring the bolder patterns and designs of rich reds, golds and blues and grays, often inviting an impression of the waves of the sea or the leaves in the fall can add drama and highlight the colors of your home.

Another option is to choose a tumbled marble patio paver with significant and noticeable color variations. This will create a pattern within the tile itself which will be unique to your patio, deck or poolside area.

Traditional Design

A very traditional type of tiling pattern for a travertine and square feet, with the result being a layout of tiles with a subtle repeating pattern without the straight lines associated with traditional tiling options.

Regardless of the colors or the tiling pattern you select, you will love your marble patio and pool area. As a true investment and beauty that is also very practical, you will enjoy your pool area for casual events and entertaining, and your marble pavers will always match your event style perfectly.

Cutting bonuses and management is Dell’s new strategy

Monday, February 5, 2007

The return of Michael Dell as the chief executive officer of computer-making giant Dell marked a series of changes. In his memo to the employees of the company he founded, Michael Dell said that there will be no bonuses and that the company will reduce its management in an effort to cut costs.

2006 was not a financial success for Dell. It lost its leading market position to Hewlett-Packard, and the SEC started investigating Dell for possible accounting improprieties. Several executives also left during recent months.

The daily newspaper Austin American-Statesman reported the Rollins memo and posted on its website a copy of the e-mail. The e-mail was confirmed by Dell’s spokesman for the Associated Press.

Michael Dell’s memo also outlined the fact that all bonuses would be replaced by so-called “limited discretionary awards”. The beneficiaries of such awards will be all but senior management. There will also be a shortening in the period of stock investing.

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Petition pressures City of Edinburgh Council to review clause affecting live music scene

Thursday, June 25, 2015

The Phoenix Bar on Broughton Street in Edinburgh. Image: Brian McNeil.

Live music venues in Edinburgh, Scotland are awaiting a review later this year on the 2005 licensing policy, which places limitations on the volume of amplified music in the city. Investigating into how the policy is affecting the Edinburgh music scene, a group of Wikinews writers interviewed venue owners, academics, the City of Edinburgh Council, and local band The Mean Reds to get different perspectives on the issue.

Since the clause was introduced by the government of the city of Edinburgh, licensed venues have been prohibited from allowing music to be amplified to the extent it is audible to nearby residential properties. This has affected the live music scene, with several venues discontinuing regular events such as open mic nights, and hosting bands and artists.

Currently, the licensing policy allows licensing standards officers to order a venue to cease live music on any particular night, based on a single noise complaint from the public. The volume is not electronically measured to determine if it breaches a decibel volume level. Over roughly the past year there have been 56 separate noise complaints made against 18 venues throughout the city.

A petition to amend the clause has garnered over 3,000 signatures, including the support of bar owners, musicians, and members of the general public.

On November 17, 2014, the government’s Culture and Sport Committee hosted an open forum meeting at Usher Hall. Musicians, venue owners and industry professionals were encouraged to provide their thoughts on how the council could improve live music in the city. Ways to promote live music as a key cultural aspect of Edinburgh were discussed and it was suggested that it could be beneficial to try and replicate the management system of live music of other global cities renowned for their live music scenes. However, the suggestion which prevailed above all others was simply to review the existing licensing policy.

Councillor (Cllr) Norma Austin-Hart, Vice Convenor of the Culture and Sport Committee, is responsible for the working group Music is Audible. The group is comprised of local music professionals, and councillors and officials from Edinburgh Council. A document circulated to the Music is Audible group stated the council aims “to achieve a balance between protecting residents and supporting venues”.

Interior of the main auditorium of the Usher Hall in Edinburgh. Image: Brian McNeil.

Following standard procedure, when a complaint is made, a Licensing Standards Officer (LSO) is dispatched to investigate the venue and evaluate the level of noise. If deemed to be too loud, the LSO asks the venue to lower the noise level. According to a document provided by the City of Edinburgh Council, “not one single business has lost its license or been closed down because of a breach to the noise condition in Edinburgh.”

In the Scotland Licensing Policy (2005), Clause 6.2 states, “where the operating plan indicates that music is to be played in a premises, the board will consider the imposition of a condition requiring amplified music from those premises to be inaudible in residential property.” According to Cllr Austin-Hart, the high volume of tenement housing in the city centre makes it difficult for music to be inaudible.

During the Edinburgh Festival Fringe during the summer, venues are given temporary licences that allow them to operate for the duration of the festival and under the condition that “all amplified music and vocals are controlled to the satisfaction of the Director of Services for Communities”, as stated in a document from the council. During the festival, there is an 11 p.m. noise restriction on amplified music, and noise may be measured by Environmental Health staff using sophisticated equipment. Noise is restricted to 65dB(A) from the facades of residential properties; however, complaints from residents still occur. In the document from the council, they note these conditions and limitations for temporary venues would not necessarily be appropriate for permanent licensed premises.

Busker sitting in sealed window of St Cecilia’s Hall on Niddry Street, Edinburgh during 2014 Edinburgh Festival Fringe. Image: Brian McNeil.

In a phone interview, Cllr Austin-Hart expressed her concern about the unsettlement in Edinburgh regarding live music. She referenced the closure of the well-known Picture House, a venue that has provided entertainment for over half a century, and the community’s opposition to commercial public bar chain Wetherspoon buying the venue. “[It] is a well-known pub that does not play any form of music”, Cllr Austin-Hart said. “[T]hey feel as if it is another blow to Edinburgh’s live music”. “[We] cannot stop Wetherspoon’s from buying this venue; we have no control over this.”

The venue has operated under different names, including the Caley Palais which hosted bands such as Queen and AC/DC. The Picture House opened in 2008.

One of the venues which has been significantly affected by the licensing laws is the Phoenix Bar, on Broughton Street. The bar’s owner, Sam Roberts, was induced to cease live music gigs in March, following a number of noise complaints against the venue. As a result, Ms Roberts was inspired to start the aforementioned petition to have Clause 6.2 of the licensing policy reviewed, in an effort to remove the ‘inaudibility’ statement that is affecting venues and the music scene.

“I think we not only encourage it, but actively support the Edinburgh music scene,” Ms Roberts says of the Phoenix Bar and other venues, “the problem is that it is a dying scene.”

When Ms Roberts purchased the venue in 2013, she continued the existing 30-year legacy established by the previous owners of hosting live acts. Representative of Edinburgh’s colourful music scene, a diverse range of genres have been hosted at the venue. Ms Roberts described the atmosphere when live music acts perform at her venue as “electric”. “The whole community comes together singing, dancing and having a party. Letting their hair down and forgetting their troubles. People go home happy after a brilliant night out. All the staff usually join in; the pub comes alive”. However licensing restrictions have seen a majority of the acts shut down due to noise complaints. “We have put on jazz, blues, rock, rockabilly, folk, celtic and pop live acts and have had to close everything down.” “Residents in Edinburgh unfortunately know that the Council policy gives them all the rights in the world, and the pubs and clubs none”, Ms Roberts clarified.

Discussing how inaudibility has affected venues and musicians alike, Ms Roberts stated many pubs have lost profit through the absence of gigs, and trying to soundproof their venue. “It has put many musicians out of work and it has had an enormous effect on earnings in the pub. […] Many clubs and bars have been forced to invest in thousands of pounds worth of soundproofing equipment which has nearly bankrupted them, only to find that even the tiniest bit of noise can still force a closure. It is a ridiculously one-sided situation.” Ms Roberts feels inaudibility is an unfair clause for venues. “I think it very clearly favours residents in Edinburgh and not business. […] Nothing is being done to support local business, and closing down all the live music venues in Edinburgh has hurt financially in so many ways. Not only do you lose money, you lose new faces, you lose the respect of the local musicians, and you begin to lose all hope in a ‘fair go’.”

With the petition holding a considerable number of signatures, Ms Roberts states she is still sceptical of any change occurring. “Over three thousand people have signed the petition and still the council is not moving. They have taken action on petitions with far fewer signatures.” Ms Roberts also added, “Right now I don’t think Edinburgh has much hope of positive change”.

Ms Roberts seems to have lost all hope for positive change in relation to Edinburgh’s music scene, and argues Glasgow is now the regional choice for live music and venues. “[E]veryone in the business knows they have to go to Glasgow for a decent scene. Glasgow City Council get behind their city.”

Ms Martina Cannon, member of local band The Mean Reds, said a regular ‘Open Mic Night’ she hosted at The Parlour on Duke Street has ceased after a number of complaints were made against the venue. “It was a shame because it had built up some momentum over the months it had been running”. She described financial loss to the venue from cancelling the event, as well as loss to her as organiser of the event.

The Mean Reds at the Blind Poet, Edinburgh during Saturday Wolf Sessions, November 8, 2014. Image: Brian McNeil.

Sneaky Pete’s music bar and club, owned by Nick Stewart, is described on its website as “open and busy every night”.”Many clubs could be defined as bars that host music, but we really are a music venue that serves drinks”, Mr Stewart says. He sees the live music scene as essential for maintaining nightlife in Edinburgh not only because of the economic benefit but more importantly because of the cultural significance. “Music is one of the important things in life. […] it’s emotionally and intellectually engaging, and it adds to the quality of life that people lead.”

Sneaky Pete’s has not been immune to the inaudibility clause. The business has spent about 20,000 pounds on multiple soundproofing fixes designed to quell complaints from neighboring residents. “The business suffered a great deal in between losing the option to do gigs for fear of complaints, and finishing the soundproofing. As I mentioned, we are a music business that serves drinks, not a bar that also has music, so when we lose shows, we lose a great deal of trade”, said Mr Stewart.

He believes there is a better way to go about handling complaints and fixing public nuisances. “The local mandatory condition requiring ‘amplified music and vocals’ to be ‘inaudible’ should be struck from all licenses. The requirement presupposes that nuisance is caused by music venues, when this may not reasonably be said to be the case. […] Nuisance is not defined in the Licensing Act nor is it defined in the Public Health Act (Scotland) 2008. However, The Consultation on Guidance to accompany the Statutory Nuisance Provisions of the Public Health etc (Scotland) Act 2008 states that ‘There are eight key issues to consider when evaluating whether a nuisance exists[…]'”.

The eight key factors are impact, locality, time, frequency, duration, convention, importance, and avoidability. Stewart believes it is these factors that should be taken into consideration by LSOs responding to complaints instead of the sole factor of “audibility”.He believes multiple steps should be taken before considering revocation of licenses. Firstly, LSOs should determine whether a venue is a nuisance based on the eight factors. Then, the venue should have the opportunity to comply by using methods such as changing the nature of their live performances (e.g. from hard rock to acoustic rock), changing their hours of operation, or soundproofing. If the venue still fails to comply, then a board can review their license with the goal of finding more ways to bring them into compliance as opposed to revoking their license.

Nick Stewart has discussed his proposal at length with Music is Audible and said he means to present his proposal to the City of Edinburgh Council.

Dr Adam Behr, a music academic and research associate at the University of Edinburgh who has conducted research on the cultural value of live music, says live music significantly contributes to the economic performance of cities. He said studies have shown revenue creation and the provision of employment are significant factors which come about as a result of live music. A 2014 report by UK Music showed the economic value generated by live music in the UK in 2013 was £789 million and provided the equivalent of 21,600 full time jobs.

As the music industry is international by nature, Behr says this complicates the way revenue is allocated, “For instance, if an American artist plays a venue owned by a British company at a gig which is promoted by a company that is part British owned but majority owned by, say, Live Nation (a major international entertainment company) — then the flow of revenues might not be as straightforward as it seems [at] first.”

Despite these complexities, Behr highlighted the broader advantages, “There are, of course, ancillary benefits, especially for big gigs […] Obviously other local businesses like bars, restaurants and carparks benefit from increased trade”, he added.

Behr criticised the idea of making music inaudible and called it “unrealistic”. He said it could limit what kind of music can be played at venues and could force vendors to spend a large amount of money on equipment that enables them to meet noise cancelling requirements. He also mentioned the consequences this has for grassroots music venues as more ‘established’ venues within the city would be the only ones able to afford these changes.

Alongside the inaudibility dispute has been the number of sites that have been closing for the past number of years. According to Dr Behr, this has brought attention to the issue of retaining live music venues in the city and has caused the council to re-evaluate its music strategy and overall cultural policy.

The Parlour, Edinburgh. Image: Brian McNeil.

This month, Dr Behr said he is to work on a live music census for Edinburgh’s Council which aims to find out what types of music is played, where, and what exactly it brings to the city. This is in an effort to get the Edinburgh city council to see any opportunities it has with live music and the importance of grassroots venues. The census is similar to one conducted in Victoria, Australia in 2012 on the extent of live music in the state and its economic benefit.

As for the solution to the inaudibility clause, Behr says the initial step is dialogue, and this has already begun. “Having forum discussion, though, is a start — and an improvement”, he said. “There won’t be an overnight solution, but work is ongoing to try to find one that can stick in the long term.”

Beverley Whitrick, Strategic Director of Music Venue Trust, said she is unable to comment on her work with the City of Edinburgh Council or on potential changes to the inaudibility clause in the Licensing Policy. However, she says, “I have been asked to assess the situation and make recommendations in September”.

According to The Scotsman, the Council is working toward helping Edinburgh’s cultural and entertainment scene. Deputy Council Leader Sandy Howat said views of the entertainment industry needs to change and the Council will no longer consider the scene as a “sideline”.

Senior members of the Council, The Scotsman reported, aim to review the planning of the city to make culture more of a priority. Howat said, “If you’re trying to harness a living community and are creating facilities for people living, working and playing then culture should form part of that.”

The review of the inaudibility clause in the Licensing Policy is set to be reviewed near the end of 2016 but the concept of bringing it forward to this year is still under discussion.

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