Web Video Propels Search Engine Rankings}

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Submitted by: Ted Cantu

I first got the phone call a month or so ago. I was knee deep in web site marketing projects and was actually jammed to capacity. I was looking to finish up all of my small jobs so I could move forward and do some more challenging assignments. Plus I was in the middle of releasing some top notch online hybrid techniques that I was about to figure out on my own. This has become somewhat of a hobby of mine if not an obsession. This phone call was different from the ones that usually come into my office. As I learned more about my prospect on the other end of the phone I became somewhat intrigued.


The project that fell on my desk was for an online campaign for the Philippines. I have no idea about anything that pertains to Philippine culture but this didnt stop me from getting involved. I was fascinated with the challenge of getting involved with this amazing project. You see, this customer was none other than the famous David Newby, Best Selling Author to, Why Didnt Anyone Teach Me This?. Newby is well known for his financial strategies that he teaches here in the states and abroad. I was eager to get started and got so wound up in the conversation that I didnt clarify the details. You see, I thought we had over a month to get this thing launched properly. Pleasantries were exchanged and money changed hands and my new customer was zooming off in his candy apple red Lamborghini

..it turns out I was wrong. I had 4 days to pull off the impossible.

I had exactly under 4 working days to get my client, David Newby, listed and ranked highly on Google and Yahoo. That is not a whole lot of time. You see, we had decided not to bother putting up any pay per click campaigns up for our efforts. We didnt even want to put any sponsored links up. We were going to play a straight game of organic search engine rankings and do it very quickly. That meant that I had to get his pages at the top of Google without paying a dime.

Could it be done? Could we actually get our pages included into the Google directory index and have our pages rank at the very top? I knew that If I could actually get Newby in the top ten just once I had done my job. If I was able to get him listed just one time for every keyword set he had designed I would have been pleased. I had my work cut out for me. This meant that I had to get on the move. The more I sat around pondering the less time I had to make history happen.



The one thing we did that catapulted our results into another stratosphere was digital video. This wasnt just your ordinary web video. We shot the video using a HD camera with high resolution and a green screen effect. Basically we used a simple chroma key effect and completely took out the background and made it all white. The effect was flawless but that is not what got us high rankings. We took that simple video and translated it for the search engines. The video search engines that is.

Only 10% of all web traffic comes from the search engines. That is actually pretty shocking when you consider the significance of it all. So where does the other 90% come from? The traffic comes from a variety of sources and these are:

1. Video Search Engines

2. Podcast Search Engines

3. Blog Search Engines

4. Social Networks

5. Publicity Sites

These are all in addition to the regular search engines. The magic of using all of these incredible elements is that they literally propel your rankings to the top not once, not twice but multiple times. In fact, we were able to get to the top ten 8 out of 10 times in just about every category we picked. That is substantial. We did some incredible things with our rankings. We definitely got the word out about our seminar and info related products.

Now here is the one thing you may have never expected. We were able to get these top rankings in just four hours. Thats right. Four hours.

It took a little pushing and prodding but we were able to get our message out there to the masses in just a few hours. Web video is definitely an attention getter. Not only were we able to get our messages into the niche categories but also into the top of Google. This was accomplished without so much as paying a dime to Google for pay-per-click or any sponsored listings. This is substantial.

Imagine being able to knock out the high cost of pay per click and still being able to dominate the top of the search engines. That is something that is worth celebrating about. I found myself looking for alternative ideas to PPC after my clients kept complaining about high rising costs to market online. This constant rise of client dissatisfaction pushed me into finding new ways to getting top rankings with moderate fees. In doing so I was able to get away from the expected ways of online popularity.


The best way to get good at this type of marketing is to try out new services and live by doing. It is one thing to think about it but taking action is the greatest short cut to great results. Not every industry responds the same way. When I created my first online radio show, (podcast) I noticed immediately that I was not a big hit in the Midwest. However my ratings picked up pretty heavy in California and New York City and ironically that is where all of my business is coming from.

When we were hitting 8 out of 10 of the top ten listings on Google we noticed these listings came from a variety of sources. Some of them were from video listings, some came from podcasting sites, some came from social networks and others came from blogs. But the kicker came in a few weeks. Since web 2.0 services like


and Google Video automatically creates HTML code it makes life very convenient. This means that visitors can copy and paste into their own web pages or blogs. And that is exactly what happened. Our videos started to pop up on services that we didnt set up. Our clips started to pop up on video search engines that we never heard of. Someone had seen our clips and liked what they saw and posted them on other services. That means we got our material distributed for free.

This had a huge affect on our search engine rankings. This sent us to the very top on Google and Yahoo. I might also add that the other web site services jumped on board and put us up on high rank visibility as well. These other search engines often use the same technology. Ask Jeeves, Dogpile and many others borrow the same search engine technology to fuel their services.

The moral of the story? By using the new modern tools you can literally write your own ticket.

About the Author: Ted Cantu is an ex-Art Director and the owner of


. He specializes in web site marketing, and direct response copywriting. Cantu creates search engine optimization campaigns, and sells his own Internet marketing courses.



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