Understanding The Different Types Of Acne

Acne is one of the leading skin conditions affecting people worldwide. It occurs when the skin’s pores are clogged by dead skin cells and oil, leading to the inflammation of the skin’s hair follicles. Distinct types of acne affect people differently and understanding the specifics can help identify an effective treatment strategy. Here are the various types of acne that one can experience:


Whiteheads form when hair follicles or pores get clogged due to the accumulation of oil and dead skin cells. The closed pores lead to small skin-colored bumps characterized by a white tip.


Like whiteheads, blackheads are also caused by clogged hair follicles. However, the key difference is that the top of the pore remains open, resulting in oxidation that causes the characteristic black color.


Papules are small red bumps that appear when the walls surrounding the skin pores break down due to severe inflammation. They are generally sensitive to touch.


Pustules are a more severe form of papules with more inflammation. They are filled with pus and are evident as red bumps with white or yellow tips.


Nodules are hard, inflamed lumps lodged deep within the skin. This severe form of acne is often painful and often occurs when clogged, swollen pores endure further irritation and grow larger.


Cysts are the most severe form of acne that arise from a combination of bacteria, oil, and dry skin cells that get trapped deep within the skin. Like nodules, they’re buried deep inside your skin, but cysts are filled with pus and are notoriously difficult to treat.

Acne Conglobata

Acne Conglobata is a rare but severely invasive form of acne characterized by deep abscesses, severe damage to the skin, scarring, and extensive inflammatory nodulocystic acne.

Acne Fulminans

Acne Fulminans is a sudden onset of highly inflammatory acne that often affects young males. It’s accompanied by symptoms such as fever and aching joints, and is considered more severe than Acne Conglobata.

Hidradenitis Suppurativa

Your body is covered with sweat glands, and when these sweat glands become blocked, a condition called Hidradenitis Suppurativa can develop. It’s more common in areas where skin rubs together and can be very painful. It’s characterized by small, painful lumps under the skin that can break open and cause tunnels under the skin.

It’s crucial to understand that there is no cure for Hidradenitis Suppurativa, but the symptoms can absolutely be managed with the right medical approach. This includes medication, self-care, and in more severe cases, surgery.


Acne, in its various forms, can significantly impact one’s quality of life. By understanding the different types of acne, you can better understand how to manage and potentially prevent your symptoms. Remember, each type of acne requires different treatments, so consult your healthcare provider or dermatologist for the best possible care.