Learn How To Remove Coffee From Carpet}

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Learn How To Remove Coffee From Carpet


When you crawl out of bed in the morning, a cup of coffee is the only thing that gives you the energy to the face the new day. Unfortunately, while you are still dragging yourself around your home, trying to get ready for work or to run some errands, it is very likely that you will spill that cup of coffee, before you’ve even had one sip. If you do drop that cup, don’t panic. Even if you have a light colored carpet, you can still remove coffee from carpet. Follow the steps below and you will know how to start removing coffee stains from carpet.

For this first step, you will need to get a paper towel or a clean cloth. Once you have them, quick pat the area so that it can start the process of removing the coffee stains . Keep daubing the stain so that the cloth can get maximum absorption. Never rub a stain as it can cause the liquid to be pushed deeper into the carpet fibers.

Do some research and try to find out what stain remover is best when removing coffee stains. The reason for this step is that different carpets are made with different materials. If you have a natural carpet (grass or wool) a stain remover can damage it. If you are unsure about what to do, a professional may be needed to do the job correctly.


Fill a spray bottle with lukewarm water and spray a small amount on the stain. For a different method, you can wet a sponge and use it to pat the coffee stain. Get a bowl and add teaspoon of a mild solution that won’t bleach your fibers. You can also use a shampoo for the carpets.

After you have selected the cleaning solution, you can add it to one liter of water. Make sure that the water is warm. Blend the mixture until it is completely mixed.To remove coffee from carpet, wet a clean, white cloth in the newly mixed solution and then put the cloth directly on the stain.

Using the back of a spoon apply a slight pressure to the cloth and stain. Move the spoon around so that you have covered the entire cloth with the gentle massage. Remove the cloth from your carpet and apply a spray of warm water to the stain. You once again have the option of using a spray bottle or a wet sponge for this step. Pat the area to transfer any left over coffee stains to the sponge.

Remove any excess liquid by daubing the wet spots with a clean rag or heavy duty paper towel. Do not rub the spot. Rubbing can cause more damage as you try to remove coffee from carpet. The last step to follow when removing coffee stains from carpet is to allow the carpet to dry. Using another clean white cloth or paper towel, you will cover the entire area that is wet.

Get a plastic bag and lay that over the cloth. Now you can use a heavy object like a large book or statue so that it can apply pressure to the spot for a few hours. You can even let them sit on the spot overnight. When you remove the objects, you will find that you have effectively removed the stain.

Never let a stain sit for long periods of time. If a stain is not cleaned up immediately, it may be difficult or impossible to remove unless you call in a professional. Although, they are likely to get the job done well a carpet specialist will cost a lot of money. You don’t want to have to call them to clean one small area of your carpet when you can easily do it yourself.

Find more info about

how to clean carpeting


how to remove carpet stains

at howtocleancarpeting.com.

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