How To Hang Curtains Like A Professional Without Hiring A Pro

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By Robert Schielmann

When you think of curtains your mind goes straight to window treatments. There are other ways to use and hang curtains to change a room. This is especially true when you are working with an open space and you want to break up that space and add an air of intimacy and privacy to certain areas.

A one room studio apartment can be separated into two rooms by using curtains to separate the bedroom from the rest of the apartment without compromising the space. To accomplish this you will need to use light, high tension wire that will remain straight and not droop and allow the curtain to be pulled back and forth smoothly.

You will need a plastic coated cable (aircraft cable works great), turnbuckles, wire rope clips, and screw in hooks with anchor to match the wall. You will also need a cable cutter for the cable wire.

Preparing To Hang Your Curtains

1. Site in your line and mark two holes for the hooks.


2. Drill out the holes and push in anchor. Screw in the hooks.

3. At one end of the cable you will need to make a loop and secure it with a wire rope clip.

4. Open turnbuckle and attach it to the other hook.

5. Stretch the cable to the turnbuckle and cut the cable, leaving at least 6 extra inches at the end.

6. Remove the turnbuckle and fasten cable through one end with a rope clip.

7. Attach the turnbuckle to the hook.

8. Now you will need to tighten the turnbuckle until the cable is rigid.

Once you are done with this you need to make sure the wire is rigid enough, test your anchors to make sure they are secure, trim down any excess wire, and slip your curtains onto the wire.

For windows it can be a bit more difficult to hang drapes and curtains by yourself. You may want to ask a friend or family member to help, you will be glad you did. The first thing you will need is a good, sturdy step ladder. Make sure your hands are clean and have no dirt or lotion on them to stain the curtains. Fill your pockets with curtain hooks. This way if a hook falls out of your curtain you will have another handy to replace it without leaving the ladder. Make sure that your rod or wire is secure and strong enough to hold the curtains without bowing. If your windows are wide, you will want to add an extra bracket in the middle to assure the rod remains straight.

Count how many hooks are on the back of your curtain and make sure you have the correct amount of curtain rings or runner hooks to accommodate your curtains. Move one ring to each end of the rod so that when you hang the curtains, you will be assured that they will fit the window. Hang curtain panels carefully, working from the outside edge and working toward the center of the rod. Once you hang the curtains you will be able to arrange them and do any adjustments.


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