Sr22 Auto Insurance Made Easy

SR22 Auto Insurance Made Easy



Are you in need of SR22 auto insurance but finding it hard to obtain it without spending an arm and a leg? Some insurance carriers are now offering drivers with drunk driving cases and histories the ability to search and compare competitive SR-22 insurance rates.

This comes at a time when Driving Under the Influence or (DUI / DWI) arrests and alcohol-related convictions are projected to increase sharply this year due in part to recent large-scale job lay-offs, business closures, investment scares, and the overall dismal U.S & global economic mood, as studies from as far back as 2002 have shown.

Many people find it difficult to get their driver’s license back after being arrested or convicted for DUI/ DWI. Finding a suitable insurance company or attorney to file an SR-22 for them poses an even bigger challenge, as not all insurance companies in every state requiring an SR-22 are allowed to do so.


My aim as an DUI insurance agent is to provide individuals the ability to search for car insurance companies within their respective cities or states that can help them file an SR-22 form. This also allows them to search for low cost auto insurance rates, and be able to compare rates from many different companies conveniently and in real-time.

SR-22 is basically a form submitted by an authorized auto insurance carrier, in behalf of a driver or car-owner seeking auto insurance coverage, to the state\’s Department of Motor Vehicles Office and gives proof of that driver\’s financial capability to compensate anyone they may injure as well as properties they may damage in case they cause a car accident. This is also an effective way for the state to monitor drivers with histories of unsatisfactory driving habits and violations.

Some states will also require the use and installation of an Inter Lock device that the driver will have to blow into before the vehicle will start. Not only is this expensive to install, but can be easy compromised by someone else willing to blow into the device.

Drunk driving is still one of the country\’s biggest problems. It is also one of the main reasons for filing an SR-22 certificate. Punishments and fines for this kind of violation remains severe, especially for repeat offenders. Most states also require an SR-22 auto insurance coverage to be maintained for two or three years, some even require individuals to continue maintaining their SR-22 even after moving to another state.

I encourage anyone required to carry this special form of car insurance to begin your search online, and to pick up the phone and talk to the agents once you get your online quote. Many times you can negotiate additional discounts over the phone that you would over look online.

DUI Insurance

is an insurance portal that focuses on addressing the

SR22 insurance

needs of individuals with alcohol related offenses anywhere in the U.S. through affordable rates and policies, and through consumer education.

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